It is a complete paradox that dancers and backup singers don't get the glory they are sooooo deserving of, EVER. I was watching a major recording artists live show and was watching the dancers. I thought to myself, I might be the only person, with the exception of these dancers' friends and family, that even notices these amazing people!

Backup singers otherwise known as my dream job :) are equally as talented and totally under appreciated and unnoticed. They are usually carrying the artist and more than half the time are stronger vocalists. I was recently watching one of my all-time favorite performers (I lovingly say performer because a vocalist she is not) J-Lo and she was literally only bearable because of her backups. I mean, they evened her out as best they could, but....I found myself with an intense desire to see one of them jump up, tackle Ms. Lopez to the ground, rip the mic from her hand and just take over, like "stop embarrassing yourself! You're gonna mess up this gig for all of us!". But alas.....
I know there have tried to be some referendum to alleviate the skewed and totally unfair world of the backup dancer/singer such as the afore mentioned Jennifer Lopez who EP'd a show all about dancers and their struggles. It didn't stay on the air more than eight episodes. I think, sadly, people just want their backup dancers/singers where they have historically belonged, in the background :(
Keep on getting your paper and keep on climbin! I promise to be watching.
~ Kate
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