Thursday, January 13, 2011

Time Flys

Where does the time go?  Is it me or does EVERYONE say that these days?  Whether you are religious or not, one must ponder, does God or the universe have us on fast-forward?  Has he/she/it thrown up their hands in disgust saying "..... forget it.  Let's get on with this already..."?

I remember dying to be eight years old so I could play the recorder like my sister Andi in 4th grade.  I couldn't wait.  I thought eight would be the greatest year and it felt like an eternity to reach it.  Waiting, waiting, waiting.  Time ticking by so slowly.  Remember marking red X's on a calendar?  Waiting to check each day off.  What did it feel like to anticipate Christmas morning?  I can remember having butterflies, actual butterflies, when trying to go to sleep while dreaming of all of those presents that would magically appear in the living room by 5 or 6 AM.  These days the only thing even resembling that feeling is when I've had far too much coffee and have to catch a plane somewhere I actually want to go.  That's more anxiety than excitement though.

The other regrettable part of my existence lately is wishing each week for Friday, then clinging helplessly to Saturday, tick- tock, tick- tock....Sunday, oh no, overslept, it's already 10:30AM! This means I only have eight and a half hours until I should go to bed because I get up at 5:45AM on Monday.  I always end up going to bed after midnight just so that I can squeeze out a couple extra hours of my, oh so precious, weekend.  It's not that I dread work, I just dread having to do the same thing day after day and having to be somewhere, anywhere I don't want to be or being somewhere I didn't just randomly end up at.  I like having things to do, who doesn't?, but it's the having to do that's the bugger.  At any rate, I wish for Fridays all week, every week, and somehow end up 20 years later and haven't accomplished a thing or done much other than wait for Fridays.  Ugh.  I want the week to pass by quickly, but, at the same time, for time to stand still.  Quite the conundrum.

I try and will continue to try adopting the Buddhist philosophy of living in the moment.  I will try to enjoy each moment for whatever good I can find in it,  whatever fun I can derive from it.  I will not compare my life to others'.  I will appreciate waking up alive each morning.  I will appreciate little things like getting the giggles when I lie on my back, looking at the ocean, Rocco running and barking in his sleep, fresh sheets, SLEEP, coffee when I'm not drinking it to stay awake, and writing ;)

Ok World, slow down, please??

I hope you are enjoying your moment as we speak.

~ Kate

Monday, January 3, 2011


We had a great 2010, but looking forward to an even better 2011.

Hope yours is wonderful too!!

~ Kate

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Show "Business"

People get into show business, no matter what side of it, to have a non-desk job, flexibility and light-hearted good fun.  They want to work outside the grind.  Sadly the contrary is very much true.

I have been the "The Business" for 15 years now and I must say, I'm on call more than some doctors I know.  Never mind the absolute constant and unwarranted amount of drama each day surmounting to more than the medical, legal and construction industries combined, that one must endure whether they are in front of the camera or behind it.  EVERY LITTLE THING is the creation of the wheel or the end of the world.

Let's talk about the 12 - 15 hour days, nope, not curing cancer, rather making sure someone doesn't miss out on their Taco Bell audition or getting that last shot of Lady Gaga riding off into the sunset on Sunset ;)

It's my very humble opinion, but greed never rears its ugly head more than in the entertainment industry.  If  I were in charge of the world (ok, this country.....ok, Los Angeles, CA) I would make it mandatory that people take 3-day weekends, a minimum of 30 days off per calendar year, work a maximum of 7 hours per day, and all holidays + 1 day to recuperate.  Think of how motivated you are right before a vacation and how rested and revitalized you are when you return from a couple of weeks in the sunshine drinking pina coladas.  Also, don't you just want one more day each weekend?  2 days are not long enough to catch up on my laundry let alone take a weekend trip or even a stay-cation.  We as Americans take ourselves far too seriously and are far to greedy to ever adopt the 4-day work week or siesta like they do in Europe.  People take the entire Summer off in most countries!  Not here.  Some greedy jerk would look at as a get ahead opportunity!  We'll work SIX days a week and make more money than the other guys!

America! Let's enjoy living as well as working and take adequate time for our families and friends.  Life is short.  We only get one.  Who cares if you are able to pay the mortgage if you never get to go home??

I propose that this new year we slow down, stop worrying and enjoy our days on as well as our days off and here's to more of the latter!

Entertainment industry! Now hear this!  IT'S NOT THAT SERIOUS!!!!! IT'S ENTERTAINMENT!!!

Happy new year!!

~ Kate